And, even if the third-party companies had been ready for it, the rifts between Sega’s Japanese and American arms were already starting. Sadly, the Sega Saturn was a little too ahead of its time, just like the Dreamcast. That’s 92.9 million less than the PS1, but at least it sold more than the Dreamcast, ey? While it’s true that the console had the mighty PS1 to compete with, it still garnered some commercial success with around 9.6 million units sold. The Sega Saturn sometimes gets forgotten about in the hype of the Mega Drive and the best Master System games.

Was that ‘planet-themed’ link as bad as I thought it was? Yes? Ok, let’s move on.

Sonic might be so fast that he could collect the rings around Saturn, but we’re only concerned with the best Sega Saturn games today.