Add a new project based on the Blank App (Universal Windows) project template called TipCalc.Uwp (make sure that the Minimum and Target versions are set to at least the Fall Creators Update).Create a the new solution by creating a new Class Library (.NET Standard) with the project name set to TipCalc.Core and the solution name to just TipCalc.Note: In this case the name of the application is TipCalc but these instructions can be followed to get any new project started by simply replacing TipCalc with the name of your project. Getting Started Instructions (Native Apps) Going forward we’ll use this as a starting point so that we don’t need to cover over this in each subsequent post. However, in this case the first section is a more detailed set of instructions on how to get the basics of all three platforms setup with MvvmCross. Following on from the first post in the MVX+1 series, in this post we’ll create a basic Tip Calculator (mirroring the original post from the N+1 series).